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75 Resources

East Kootenay Patient Transportation Committee

MSAs, Interior Health, and stakeholder organizations are a collaborating as united voice for change.

Engagement in Action - Northern Health

Physician-led improvements are giving newly-hired doctors more time for patient care.

Engagement in Action - Cranbrook

The Kudos Project expresses appreciation for physicians to boost well-being and strengthen workplace bonds.  

Strategy & Takeaways - Vancouver General Hospital

Breaking down and addressing wellness challenges unique to each clinical department.

Strategy & Takeaways - Kootenay Lake Hospital

Key strategies to shift to a more supportive, equitable environment for women in medicine.

Engagement in Action -Vancouver

Dr Jin Ho and a unit team found big savings on equipment & supplies in the Endoscopy Unit.

Engagement in Action - Kootenay Boundary

A hospital-wide engagement drove down surgical and overall infection rates below average.

What are other MSAs doing?

Tips to support physician participation in engagement activities.

QI Network

Engagement in Action - BC Children’s Hospital

The BC Pediatric QI Practitioners Network is supporting, sharing and spreading QI opportunities.

Engagement in Action - Victoria

An ER simulation initiative 'undoubtedly saved lives' during the heat dome.

Engagement in Action - Haida Gwaii

Shifting to local and traditional Haida foods is connecting happier patients to their culture.

Engagement in Action - Richmond Hospital

A BC Cancer Agency collaboration reduced time to treatment by 21+ days.