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75 Resources
East Kootenay Patient Transportation Committee
How are we taking regional action on patient transport?
MSAs, Interior Health, and stakeholder organizations are a collaborating as united voice for change.
Engagement in Action - Northern Health
How are we improving new physician orientation?
Physician-led improvements are giving newly-hired doctors more time for patient care.
Engagement in Action - Cranbrook
How are we boosting physician well-being?
The Kudos Project expresses appreciation for physicians to boost well-being and strengthen workplace bonds.
Strategy & Takeaways - Vancouver General Hospital
How are we supporting physician wellness in the ER?
Breaking down and addressing wellness challenges unique to each clinical department.
Strategy & Takeaways - Kootenay Lake Hospital
How are we supporting Gender Equity in medicine & leadership?
Key strategies to shift to a more supportive, equitable environment for women in medicine.
Engagement in Action -Vancouver
How did we find $90K in cost savings?
Dr Jin Ho and a unit team found big savings on equipment & supplies in the Endoscopy Unit.
Engagement in Action - Kootenay Boundary
How did we engage to reduce hospital infection rates?
A hospital-wide engagement drove down surgical and overall infection rates below average.
What are other MSAs doing?
How are we building medical staff engagement?
Tips to support physician participation in engagement activities.
Engagement in Action - BC Children’s Hospital
How are we engaging for a sustainable QI Network?
The BC Pediatric QI Practitioners Network is supporting, sharing and spreading QI opportunities.
Engagement in Action - Victoria
How are simulations improving patient safety?
An ER simulation initiative 'undoubtedly saved lives' during the heat dome.
Engagement in Action - Haida Gwaii
How is a change in hospital food improving cultural safety?
Shifting to local and traditional Haida foods is connecting happier patients to their culture.
Engagement in Action - Richmond Hospital
How are we engaging for faster lung cancer treatment?
A BC Cancer Agency collaboration reduced time to treatment by 21+ days.