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11 Resources
All activities across BC
What are other sites and physicians doing across BC?
Engagement in Action – Penticton
How are we listening and learning to foster Cultural Safety?
Provider and Indigenous community member engagement is fostering change in the ED.
Updated Sept. 2024 - Prince George UHNBC
How are we working towards Cultural Safety in the ED?
A meaningful Indigenous-MSA-health authority partnership for culturally safe care.
Engagement in Action – Chilliwack
How are we engaging for culturally safe care?
Education and community relationship-building efforts are setting a foundation for positive change.
Engagement in Action – Haida Gwaii
How are we improving cultural safety?
A hospital agreement with Indigenous partners aims to improve access to culturally safe care.
Interior Health Facility Engagement Showcase
How are we engaging across Interior Health?
Learn and adapt ideas from keynotes, presentations and project posters.
MSA Physician Roundtable - Across BC
How are we building cultural safety at our sites?
Key takeaways from Vancouver Acute & Community, Ridge Meadows, and Haida Gwaii Hospitals.
What are other MSAs doing?
How are we engaging for Cultural Safety?
MSA activities to build towards Indigenous Cultural Safety and Humility.
Engagement in Action - Tofino
How are we strengthening cultural connections?
A cultural ceremony and traditional healing practices support trauma and pain.
Engagement in Action - Haida Gwaii
How is a change in hospital food improving cultural safety?
Shifting to local and traditional Haida foods is connecting happier patients to their culture.
Facility Engagement in Action - Across BC
How are we engaging for change?
Facility Engagement 2024 Provincial Summit takeaways and story collection