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How are we working to build towards cultural safety at our sites?
MSA Peer-to-Peer Round Table key takeaways

  • Dr. Kendall Ho, Lori Quinn, Anne-Marie Jamin (Indigenous Health Team), Vancouver Acute & Community:   Engaging Physicians in Indigenous Cultural Safety (EPIC)
  • Dr. Tracy Morton, Xaayda Gwaay Ngaaysdll Naay, Haida Gwaii: Indigenous Cultural Safety
  • Dr. Rachel Williams, Ridge Meadows Hospital: Initiatives for Growing Culturally Safe Care 

See below for video and takeaways.

See more MSA Cultural Safety knowledge sharing here>

Video and presentation takeaways


Engaging Physicians in Indigenous Cultural Safety (EPIC) Task Group

Purpose of this table: To prioritize and advance Indigenous Cultural Safety in Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) settings, guided by meaningful partnerships.

Activities: Three key strategies 

1. Educational resources

  • UBC Continuing Professional Development accreditation for IHR (up to 6.0 Mainpro+ credits)
  • Educational resources (i.e., infographic) from past Indigenous Health Round sessions
  • Accessible repository of past IHR recordings
  • ED-specific Indigenous Cultural Safety educational online course

2. An Indigenous Health patient experience think tank

  • Listening and learning for change.


3. iCON-VCH Indigenous Health Rounds

  • Bringing together Indigenous voices to health care professionals for knowledge sharing, dialogue and brainstorming solutions.

Feedback from participants



Feedback comments

Indigenous Cultural Safety Activities

  • Commissioned a totem pole that incorporated themes of unity, welcoming, healing and respect to guide delivery of health care.
  • Participated in a ceremony and feast to raise totem pole with about 800 community members.
  • Created a partnership agreement between the hospital and Haida community to define and consolidate a foundational relationship.
  • Co-developed signage in key hospital areas in Haida language.
  • Displayed indigenous artifacts displayed in welcoming areas.
  • Held education sessions taught by Elders to increase language skills.

Results and insights

  • Created a foundation on which to build culturally safe care.
  • Recognized that everyone has prejudices and needs to be involved to create a path to safety and humility.
  • Raised awareness of history and the need for more knowledge/understanding.

Initiatives for growing culturally safe care  

Activities to date

  • Held a CME Accredited Interactive workshop and smaller follow-up event with Len Pierre.
  • Created a sharing library of educational/informational resources.
  • Established an MSA Indigenous Health Liaison position.

Results: Established ongoing plans

  • Grow connections with the Indigenous community.
  • Create opportunities for patients to engage in traditional medicines,
  • Establish a healing garden near the physical rehabilitation unit,
  • Encourage all MSA members to take the San-yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Online Training.



14:16   |   EPIC: Engaging Physicians in Indigenous Cultural Safety at VPSA & VCH

31:44   |   Indigenous Cultural Safety Activities at Haida Gwaii Hospital 

51:14   |   Initiative for growing culturally safe care at Ridge Meadows Hospital


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