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14 Resources
Updated Sept. 2024 - Prince George UHNBC
How are we working towards Cultural Safety in the ED?
A meaningful Indigenous-MSA-health authority partnership for culturally safe care.
Cowichan District Hospital – IHealth
How are we engaging for technology adoption?
A focus on relationships and communication is smoothing the path to EHR implementation.
Interior Health Facility Engagement Showcase
How are we engaging across Interior Health?
Learn and adapt ideas from keynotes, presentations and project posters.
Round Table Video - Vancouver Island Spread Project
How are we engaging to prevent preterm births?
A physician-initiated pathway is helping high-risk patients deliver full term babies, close to home.
Round Table – Northern Health Overcapacity Project
How are we engaging on hospital overcapacity?
A regional table has identified the impacts of long stay patients on Northern BC hospitals, along with recommendations, and actions.
Strategies & Takeaways - Providence Health Care
How are we aligning medical staff and HA priorities?
Medical staff leaders and advisors are paired with senior health authority leaders for collaboration.
Facility Engagement Conference - Northern Region
How are we engaging across Northern Health?
Learn and adapt ideas from shared engagement priorities and an ideal future state.
MSA Physician Roundtable - Across BC
How are we engaging for Planetary Health?
Reducing the environmental impacts of health care: toolkit, inhaler practices, and more.
How are we building cultural safety at our sites?
Key takeaways from Vancouver Acute & Community, Ridge Meadows, and Haida Gwaii Hospitals.
Strategy & Takeaways -Nanaimo
How are we improving physician leader succession?
Building skills and testing out leadership roles as a Director-at-large.
Strategy & Takeaways - Interior Health Regional
How are we creating a community of leaders?
Practical strategies for building respect and mutual support for collaboration.
East Kootenay Patient Transportation Committee
How are we taking regional action on patient transport?
MSAs, Interior Health, and stakeholder organizations are a collaborating as united voice for change.