Featured presenters from across BC:
- Dr. Rashmi Chadha - Getting Started: The Vancouver Medical Staff Planetary Health Committee
- Dr. Ilona Hale – Developing a Guide for Planetary Health in Primary Care, East Kootenay Division of Family Practice with CASCADES
- Dr. James Wiedrick – Reducing the Environmental Impact of Anesthetic Gases in the OR – Kootenay Lake Hospital
- Drs. Val Stoynova & Celia Culley, Clinical Pharmacist – Using a Quality Improvement Framework to Decrease Inhaler-related Carbon Footprint at Island Health hospitals
Our stories: videos & takeaways
Interior Health Regional Planetary Health Table - - Summer 2023 Shareable Quarterly Report - GO>
- A Facility Engagement-funded table spanning the Interior Health region focused on creating an environmentally sustainable health system.

Climate Conscious Inhaler Practices in Inpatient Care - Playbook (Critical Air Project) GO>

Planetary Health Toolkit for Primary Care (ideas applicable to hospitals) - Toolkit - GO>
- Overprescribing, overdiagnosing, and more. Developed by the E. Kootenay Division of Family Practice

New for 2024: World Health Organization (WHO) Toolkit
Supports physicians in discussing the health impacts of climate change
Communicating on climate change and health: Toolkit for health professionals provides physicians and health care professionals with resources and tools to discuss climate change and its health impacts with patients, peers, and other groups.
It covers the health effects such as food insecurity, increased cancer rates, and severe mental health impacts, and supports physicians to:
- Understand the health impacts of climate change, and how climate action can deliver health benefits
- Build confidence to communicate about this issue to patients
- Discuss climate change confidently with peers, media, politicians, and other health care partners
- Empower your patients and your medical community to take measures to limit the impacts of climate change on their health and wellbeing
The toolkit also includes communication and storytelling tips physicians, and others, can use for varied audiences, including patients, journalists, decision-makers, and policymakers.
Developed by the WHO in collaboration with Health Canada, the Global Climate and Health Alliance, George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, Climate and Health Alliance Australia, and the Canadian Medical Association (CMA).
14:16 | Vancouver Acute/Community Medical Staff Planetary Health Committee
21:44 | Reducing the Environmental Impact of Anesthetic Gases in the OR
41:14 | Planetary Health for Primary Care
51:14 | Decreasing the Inhaler-related Carbon Footprint at Island Health hospitals
Connect with the projects for more information>